Chaplaincy: a Calling and a Career

New Career Support for Chaplains

Chaplaincy Innovation Lab and Erica Mattison Coaching & Consulting are collaborating to provide career support to chaplains as they navigate their next steps.


Career development resources tailored to chaplains is a critical gap in their professional training. This is evidenced by the high level of interest immediately following the announcement of the initiative.

Coach Erica Mattison and Chaplaincy Innovation Lab Program Director Michael Skaggs got together for a conversation about chaplaincy as a career and a calling.


The Unique Challenges of Chaplaincy Careers

Chaplaincy is deeply focused on care for others, which can overshadow attention to chaplains' own career development, says Skaggs.

Common career struggles chaplains experience include:

  • lack of formal training on career management

  • difficulty articulating skills outside the chaplaincy sector, and

  • navigating professional opportunities.

Transferable Skills in Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy develops competencies that can be valuable in a variety of settings beyond traditional roles. The challenge lies in communicating these skills to broader, more secular audiences.

It is crucial for chaplains learn how to describe their work and impact in ways understandable to those outside the profession, says Skaggs.

Breaking Myths and Stereotypes About Chaplaincy

There are many misconceptions around chaplaincy. The public often associates chaplains with religious figures, without understanding the breadth of their work, according to Skaggs.

With personal anecdotes and research findings, Skaggs demonstrates how chaplaincy is often misunderstood or undervalued. Chaplains work in lesser-known settings, such as seaports, providing critical emotional and logistical support to workers who can't simply leave the vessel.

Articulating Value: A Key to Career Advancement

It is important for chaplains to be able to articulate both what they offer and what they seek in their careers, says Mattison.

Skaggs notes the career growth potential when chaplains clearly communicate their skills and value, particularly within organizations that understand their role.

Challenges that arise when chaplains are siloed or underutilized within organizations, missing opportunities to influence missions.

Aligning Purpose with Financial Stability

Mattison shares the misconception that doing good in the world means sacrificing financial stability. Through coaching, she has helped hundreds of clients discover that they can both pursue meaningful work and achieve financial stability.

Chaplains don’t have to choose between service and sustainability—they can have both with the right career tools and mindset.

The Power of Career Reflection and Introspection

Introspection plays an important role in career development. Intentional reflection helps professionals clarify their goals and strengths.

Skaggs compares career reflection to therapy, noting that external guidance can be valuable for helping to uncover deeper insights and foster growth.

Chaplains can actively take control of their career paths through introspection and strategic planning, recommends Skaggs.

Expanding Career Horizons Through Training

Mattison and Skaggs introduce the custom career management program designed to help chaplains reflect, clarify their goals, and develop actionable steps for advancement.

While Mattison is eager to help chaplains articulate their skills, Skaggs is enthusiastic about fostering a mindset in the chaplaincy field that supports career growth.


Mattison and Skaggs share their excitement about the potential impact of the program on chaplains and the broader community.

The two discuss the importance of empowering chaplains to embrace their profession as a career, not just a calling, and the importance of career sustainability in ensuring chaplains' long-term contributions.

Take Action

Chaplains and those in related fields are encouraged to engage with the program and take the next step in their career development journey.

Erica Mattison

Executive coach and career advisor for social impact professionals. One-on-one career coaching and group workshops to help sustainability and other mission-driven professionals lead rewarding careers. Support for career transitions and leadership development. Based in Boston, MA.

Clarifying Who You Are and How You Fit into Your Organization