Exploring Your Entrepreneurial Calling

Jill partnered with Erica because she was seeking guidance to navigate a professional crossroads. By working with Erica, Jill gained clarity on her strengths and passions and began exploring new career directions.

Through introspection and strategic planning, Jill developed the confidence to embrace her entrepreneurial aspirations.

Mid-Career Professional

Jill is a mid-career professional who wanted to explore different possibilities for what a career pivot could look like.

“I Owe It To Myself”

Jill had tried on her own to figure out the next steps in her career. But then she got to a point where she felt that she owed it to herself to consult with a career expert. Could working with a career coach create more ease during her career crossroads? She was curious to find out.


Investing to Create a More Fulfilling Career

At first, Jill was hesitant to invest in her career development. But then she decided that welcoming in support, much as she had done in other areas of her life, was an investment worth making. She believed it was an investment that would help her create a more fulfilling career.


Interest in a New Career Direction

Jill wanted to explore possible career paths. It was important to her to do meaningful work that aligned with her interests and skills.

She was reading lots of job descriptions, but most of them weren’t resonating with her. She was having trouble putting her finger on what she was looking for.

She discovered that she was interested in launching a business but wasn’t sure what that would look like or how to go about it. How might she be able to tap into skills in areas like writing?


Getting Beyond the Stuck Feeling

Erica facilitated an introspective process, where Jill explored her strengths and passions, as well as energy zappers. Through this journey of self-discovery, Jill gained valuable insights and a newfound sense of self-awareness.

During this partnership, Jill discovered a deep desire to create something of her own. Through dialogue and exploration, Erica and Jill delved into the possibilities of a freelance career.

Erica supported Jill’s new vision by providing her with techniques to avoid getting stuck due to perfectionistic tendencies, including reframing situations, and creating specific action plans. This approach helped Jill make progress toward her desired career path while balancing her current professional responsibilities.


Moving Past Fear to Embrace Curiosity

Through their work together, Jill felt more hopeful and confident. She created a plan and started taking tangible steps, setting her up for progress with her entrepreneurial goals.

She was able to shift her perspective and realize the importance of taking ownership of her happiness and success. Instead of worrying so much about what people might think of her, she started to focus more on what was personally meaningful to her.

Finding Joy in an Evolving Approach

A few months after Jill’s work with Erica, she shared, “I realized that while a lot of our work together was landing on the type of work that brings me joy (writing), I'm finding joy in simply developing new relationships with clients and finding other ways to work with them. I've achieved peace and balance that I otherwise didn't have. I remain very grateful for our work together.” - Jill

Erica Mattison

Executive coach and career advisor for social impact professionals. One-on-one career coaching and group workshops to help sustainability and other mission-driven professionals lead rewarding careers. Support for career transitions and leadership development. Based in Boston, MA.


Embracing Your Skills to Attract Your Next Career Opportunity


Step Into Your Potential as a Thought Leader