Erica Mattison

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Speeding Up Your Career Pivot

Helping Clients Speed Up Their Job Search Progress

We just moved up our date...

I had planned to meet with Victoria* next Friday, but upon learning today that she just landed a second-round interview for her dream job, I offered to move up our session to Monday.

“My Dream Job”

Here’s an excerpt from Victoria’s email**:

This type of role Victoria went on to describe is exactly what I imagined for her, based on what she shared with me about her desires and strengths just a couple of weeks ago during our coaching session.

Preparing for a Job Interview

Upon receiving the good news that her first-round interview had gone so well that she had landed a second-round interview for the following week, we immediately shifted gears.

I provided her with my Interview & Negotiation Preparation Guides, so she can focus her time and energy efficiently and effectively over the next few days. I have developed these materials and refined them over the years, as I’ve shared them with clients and seen what has helped them get results.

Accelerating Your Career Pivot Through Coaching

The first time I ever spoke with Victoria was under one month ago. Based on our quick preliminary conversation, she decided to invest in coaching because she was seeking support to navigate the next steps in her career and life. She just made it through a tough year. She was ready to take a look at what got her to the present moment and make some adjustments to her mindset and approach.

When she came to me, she was feeling deeply discouraged and was looking to craft a fulfilling career. How would she make a career pivot to a new type of work, and was that what she even wanted? These were some of the questions she was grappling with.

And here we are -- less than a month later -- and she has a second-round interview for her dream job.

Making Progress on Your Desired Career Pivot

How did Victoria get here? We held our first 2-hour coaching session a couple of weeks ago and she has been doing her homework.

Using the frameworks and tools I shared, so far Victoria has already achieved the following progress:

  • Clarifying her desires, skills, strengths, personal qualities, and possibilities she’s curious to explore

  • Identifying 25 employers she is interested in

  • Narrowing down her desired roles to 2 different targets

The customized coaching program we developed for her includes one more 2-hour session. We’ll focus on readying her to interview and negotiate, so she can feel prepared and confident.

A Career That Works For You

I want to help you lead a career that works for you. If you’re interested in learning more, explore career services.

*Name changed for privacy

**Email paraphrased for privacy